All orders are shipped by UPS, FedEx or USPS. Your shipping charge will vary depending on the weight of your package.
Please review your order for accuracy prior to submitting. If you need to make a change to your shipping address once your order has been processed, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Because we offer such an extensive collection of speakers from around the world, the shipping delivery times can range anywhere from 5 to 12 business days. After every order is placed, we make sure to inspect each unit prior to delivery to ensure quality and accuracy. Once your order is processed and shipped out, we will provide you with a tracking number.
Shipping to HI, AK & other U.S territories incurs an additional $20 per order. Please allow a total of 7 to 15 business days for your product to be delivered
Shipping to Canada incurs an additional $35 per order plus any applicable Canada taxes. Please allow a total of 7 to 15 business days for your product to be delivered
Please note: Packages are shipped out on business days. The following are holidays and considered to be non-business days: